
Welcome to World Outreach Ministries!

If you are a missionary . . .

spacerIf you are a missionary looking for a dependable home office, then you’ve found the right place! Our heart is to serve mission workers who are on the "frontlines" and give them the administrative help they need to be successful.

spacerOur Missionary Agency will provide you with many vital services: processing donations that come in through our online system or by mail (our online system can process cards from any country, any currency); depositing funds twice per month into your Bank account (and providing a Donor Report that shows who gave); sending automatic receipts to all donors worldwide (plus, USA donors receive a tax-deductible receipt); your own customizable Donation Page with social media links (your supporters will be able to easily share your Donation Page with their friends by clicking on the Social Media links -- sample www.WorldOutreach.org/617); providing donor login accounts where your supporters can manage their information; list maintenance to keep your info updated; setting-up automatic monthly gifts; Training Videos; and a 24/7 login-system that allows you to access your WOM account with a password. With our system, you will be able to login to your WOM account, see incoming donations, update your list, generate reports, build Excel files, print mailing labels, and much more! Providing a dependable missionary office, missionary assistance, and missionary help is what we do.

spacerWorld Outreach Ministries, Inc. was founded over 45 years ago in 1979. WOM is an affiliation of interdenominational missionaries and humanitarian workers who need a home office. The missionaries we serve are from all types of backgrounds and are involved in a variety of outreaches: evangelism, discipleship, church planting, schools, leadership training, YWAM, medical clinics, aviation, translation work, children’s shelters, feeding programs,WOM's 45 Year Anniversary water systems, agriculture, support roles, and more. God's kingdom has all types of workers.

spacerWe have a desire to assist leaders and reach the nations with the positive message of grace, faith, and victory through Jesus Christ. Our Missionary Agency can be a powerful tool to help you fulfill God’s plan for your life.

Enjoy your tour!

Message From Our Founder

* Short video from our Founder.
* Audio-only link if your internet is slow.
* How we started: "Miracle in the Philippines!"

Stock & Crypto Donations!
Stock Donations! Crypto Donations!

Stock & Crypto Donations!
Stock Donations! Crypto Donations!

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Click These Images for Details

If you are a mission worker, you need a dependable home office working for you every day. You need donations processed, tax receipts going out, direct deposits to your Bank, and many other services. Your donors need an office to contact when they need help with a variety of issues, e.g. address changes, credit card updates, etc. Unlike well-meaning volunteers, our Team is here working for you every day. We have been in operation for 45 years. WOM is the long-term solution that you need!

Dependable Home Office!
You need an office that understands mission work. We know how to represent you in a positive way and provide answers when donors contact us. At times your supporters will have questions, want to change credit cards, set-up automatic monthly gifts, receive additional copies of receipts, give donations via stock transfers, and many more items. Without this specialized help, your support can stall.

Representing You
Our Team has a heart for Missionary Care. We are always available to help with specific questions, problems, and challenges that may arise in your work. In today’s world, we are just a phone call or Skype call away from direct contact with you. Additionally, we are constantly adding Training Videos and Missionary Interviews (telephone interviews with mission workers around the world) to our Resource Library that cover many issues that are common to all missionaries.

Missionary Care
We have a customized Login system that gives you 24/7 access to your WOM account. This tool gives you a powerful advantage that most mission workers do not have. You will be able to track incoming donations, view your Deposit Reports, see address changes, spot new pledges, create all types of reports and Excel files, and access our Resource Library. It's like having a “personal office” day or night from anywhere in the world!

Login 24/7
You need a dependable home office working for you every day.  You will receive “Instant Notifications” by email every time one of your friends makes an online gift. In addition, we have a wonderful Team where mail is picked up daily, online gifts process 24/7 (via Cards, Bank info, and even Crypto), and details like address changes, pledges, and project info are constantly updated. Our Team is here to answer questions from your supporters and help with donations via our Toll-Free Number.

Processing Gifts
Every gift that comes in for your WOM account (by check, credit card, bank draft, or stock transfer) is acknowledged within a few days of processing. This one service alone is critical to your success and cash flow. All donors receive a 501(c)(3) Tax Deductible receipt that shows the gift amount, YTD total, and the fact that it has been credited to your mission account. Our receipts are sent by email or First Class letter, depending on the donor’s preference.

Tax Receipts
Each time we make a deposit to your Bank, we will upload a corresponding “Deposit Report” to your WOM account. You will be able to see donor names; amounts; whether it was by check, credit card, or draft; if the gift was “one-time” or “monthly” - and many more details that make up your deposit. You will also be able to create reports at any time by logging in to your WOM account.

Deposit Reports
As your support-base develops through the months and years, you will want to study “giving trends.” The WOM login portal that you will be using has a number of Giving Trend Reports that you can use. One is the 13-Month Report that shows you trends over multiple months of activity. This type of analysis will help you greatly if you are serious about staying in mission work long-term.

Study Giving Trends
As your contact list grows (your email list of friends and supporters) it will eventually evolve into “sublists.” For example, our system allows you to code any of your contacts into one or more groups. Some common groups are Key Pastors, Top Donors, Prayer Team, Volunteers, Reception Hosts, etc. Having the ability to “pull out” these sublists and work with them can really strengthen your ministry.

Create Sublists
When you affiliate with WOM, you will have access to our growing RESOURCE LIBRARY which is not available to the public. WOM believes in life-long learning whether you are a veteran missionary or a new worker. There are videos, audios, and info about increasing your support-base, newsletters, tracking projects, church-planting, discipleship, filing taxes, housing allowance, health insurance, and much more! It all begins with our “Starter Pack” that has 8-Key Messages to get you started on the right foot with WOM.

Resource Library
Because we have a heart for missionary care, we regularly produce Training Videos and Missionary Telephone Interviews on vital subjects -- how to build a support-base, designing effective e-Newsletters, adjusting to the mission field, and many more areas. New training sessions are being added on a regular basis. You will find strength for the journey as you listen to our training sessions and interviews.

Training Videos & Interviews
We transfer funds to your Bank account every two weeks via ACH direct deposits (on the 15th and 31st). Many groups only transfer funds once a month. Two deposits per month are better for your cash flow. Every deposit that we make to your Bank account will have a corresponding Deposit Report that is uploaded to your WOM login account. These reports clearly show “who gave what” for that particular deposit.

Direct Deposits
You need an office that will faithfully serve you month after month and year after year. You need dependability. WOM was established over 45 years ago in 1979 and currently serves over 400 missionary families around the world. We see ourselves as servant-leaders who are called to help missionaries succeed.

WOM Track Record!
  • This Month's Victory Video!

    Take a moment to watch this month's "Victory Video!" Each month we present a short video designed to strengthen and encourage your walk with Christ. Discover Bible keys for your success.

    Click Here for more Victory Videos.

  • This Month's Audio Series!

    Be sure to download and listen to this month's free Audio Series. Each month, we feature one of our classic Audio series that was recorded years ago, from the teaching ministry of our founder Jason Peebles. These timeless principles will strengthen your walk with Christ.

    Click Here for over 400 hours of FREE MP3 audio studies.

  • World Outreach Ministries Monthly Study Guides - Your Inheritance In Christ
    This Month's Study Guide!

    Take a moment to read and print this month's Study Guide. Every month we present a new Study Guide to help you grow spiritually. We have reports that people in many countries are using our Study Guides for Bible studies and discipleship meetings.

    Click Here for more Study Guides.
  • World Outreach Ministries Monthly Featured Worship Video - Let the Weight of Your Glory Fall - by Paul Wilbur
    This Month's Worship Video!

    Every month we spotlight a new “Worship Video” that will minister to your heart. Watching these worship videos can empower you and inspire you to hunger after God’s plan for your life.
  • World Outreach Ministries Monthly Kidz Corner - Adventures In Odyssey
    This Month’s Kidz Corner!

    Each month we like to recommend powerful resources for the children in your life! These podcasts are both entertaining and educational. The whole family will enjoy listening to these exciting audio adventures!